BirdsEye Nature Apps Help Desk

How do I save a Favorite Location? (iOS)

To save a Favorite Location:

  1. From the main screen, tap Browse By Location.
  2. Pan around the map to find a Hotspot, or custom location, you would like to add to your Favorites
  3. Tap on the red pin to bring up the label (or press/release for a second on any point on the map)
  4. Tap the name of the location, then tap the star button on the upper right of the screen.
  5. You will see a pop up window that says "Location Favorited". Tap the Dismiss button.  You can rename your favorite and set the filters for the new Favorite.
  6. Tap the Save button in the upper right to save the Favorite and add it to your list.

That's it! To see your favorites, just tap on Favorite Locations from the main screen to quickly get back to that spot.

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