County and state year lists are a blast, and with BirdsEye it's easy to keep track of everything. With BirdsEye 2.1 you can quickly see what birds you can add to your list based on what has been seen in the remaining months of the year*.
- From the Nearby Birds screen, go to Filter settings in the top right corner and tap on 'Select Months'.
- Scroll down and select September through December.
- Tap Save.
- What you see now are birds reported in the selected months, and the Needs list shows those birds NOT already on your list.
- Tap a species you want to find, switch to the sightings view and find a nearby sighting of that species.
- The pin will tell you how recently your target species was seen there, and there is a button for directions (left) and to see what else is being seen at that location (right).
- Using eBird (with BirdLog of course) to enter your sightings makes keeping track of your lists easy. Your list in BirdsEye is automatically updated every day to match your eBird lists.
* Note: while the ability to select a month is a member feature, everyone has access to the Current Month, which is a great addition to the Recents list you are used to!
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