BirdsEye Nature Apps Help Desk

How do I adjust my distance and time settings?

Remember, you have a lot of control over the birds displayed by BirdsEye based on your distance and time settings.  You can adjust the search distance and time frame by selecting the gear icon on any of the screens. You can also select specific settings for each individual Favorite that you create!

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    Control over distance is not fine enough. If a user is near a country border for example and the user cannot or doesn’t want to cross that border, then, going from one distance range to another can jump you so far over the border that most of the information is useless.

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    Gary Witt

    I have a World Membership subscription and an Android operating system. Why am I not able to adjust my Rare Bird distance search beyond 50 miles or kilometers? My friends all have iPhones and they can set distance to 500 miles. I read that 50 miles/kilometers is the default for the free version of Birdeye. What am I missing?

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