BirdsEye Nature Apps Help Desk

How can I contribute to the BirdsEye project?

1) Use our apps and encourage your friends to join in. Post positive (5 star) reviews. These are a huge help to us and help new users find us in the App Store!

2) Sign up for our newsletter. Forward it to your friends and post it on your facebook page.

3) Like us on FaceBook and follow us on Twitter.

4) Contribute your time. Here are some projects that can use your support:

  • contribute photos or sounds for us to use in the apps and on the website, especially in areas outside of the US where our coverage is just beginning. We will gratefully acknowledge your support with a copyright notice, your name and a link to your website as well a mention on our website
  • help us with an app
  • write blog posts, video blogs or contribute your posts.
  • help us create demo videos for our apps
  • help us write text or edit photos for our apps
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